Why are pollinators important?
What is a pollinator?
The importance of pollinators
Learn about pollinator recovery
Identify the types of bees you are seeing in your garden!
Bumble Bees of the Eastern US
Bumble Bees of the Western US
How do I attract pollinators to my garden?
Attracting pollinators (Eastern US)
Attracting pollinators (Western US)
Get started by planting a pollinator garden
How to design a pollinator garden
Browse Pollinator plants by your State or Region
Provide appropriate nesting areas
Which milkweed is right for your area?
Xerces Society Milkweed Guides
Monarch specific nectar plants
Monarch Butterfly Nectar Plant Lists for Conservation Plantings
Take your knowledge to the next level. Protect other important insects and wildlife:
Firefly Protection Guide