Thank you for your interest in NICH, the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture. We are a grassroots movement for everyone in the field of horticulture –university researchers and government extension agents, nonprofits, and all aspects of the industry from retail garden centers through landscape, tree care, and beyond.
NICH has a big vision – to grow the practice of gardening, both indoors and out, by 20% by 2025.
“So what’s in it for me?” you ask.
The Answer: There is a tremendous amount we all can gain by focusing one unified voice on growing our industry.
First of all, the more that people garden and respect the value of horticulture, the more plants, products and services will be sought and bought. Business revenue will increase. More people will support garden centers, university research, extension outreach, public gardens and the horticultural services industries. This directly translates into job growth and increased job security.
There is much more. When we collectively communicate the importance of consumer horticulture for healthy communities and a thriving economy, we positively impact decision makers and stakeholders alike. Our collaboration pays back across all sectors of the industry with more knowledgeable and engaged customers who put a higher value on plants and the services we provide.
The more people appreciate gardening and the benefits of plants, the healthier we will be as individuals, communities and the whole country.
This is why we are asking you to support NICH.
What Can I Do to Help?
- Join our unified effort and strength to our numbers when we reach out to stakeholders
- Sign up for our emails to stay informed and give us your advice, feedback and input
- Spread the message and tell 10 friends
- Get Involved with a committee
- Recommend NICH to someone who should be involved
Join us today!
The National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture Inaugural Leadership Team
- Chair: D. Casey Sclar, Executive Director, American Public Gardens Association
- Vice chairs: Ellen Bauske, Program Coordinator, Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture; Tom Underwood, Executive Director, Birmingham Botanical Garden
- Secretary/Treasurer: Gail Langellotto, Associate Professor/Statewide Master Gardener Coordinator, Oregon State University
- Marketing: Susan McCoy, Garden Media Group
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