Attending: Bradley, Underwood, Haynes, Durham, Dubow, Bennett, Pooler, Sclar, Spurlock
Absent: Bauske, Bewick, McCoy
1. New Bi-Weekly Call Details:
Casey shared the new call-in information for the bi-weekly calls. Time will remain the same.
2. Acknowledgements:
Casey and others shared their thanks to the steering committee, those who coordinated and assembled in Denver, and to all involved in the initiative. All coming out of the Denver meeting are excited and eager to move forward.
3. Denver Meeting Recap (All)
a. Key Outcomes (Lucy, Ellen, Tom U.)
Lucy shared her brief recap of the Denver meeting. An outline is below:
i. New wording on vision, goals, objectives
1. Comments on Vision
a. Where do we get numbers, no more NGA Survey
b. Dow Jones average of gardening impact?
i. Could be part of work plan
c. How does one engage in “Consumer Hort”
2. Goals
a. Inject passion into some of the wording
3. Objectives
a. Ensure that goals are technical, approachable and have something for everyone from researchers to retail industry alike.
4. Organizational Structure:
a. Committee Formation
i. Include work groups formed to determine immediate needs and next steps
b. Executive Teams and Officers
i. Team Established by Nominations before and after
ii. Term limits not set, appointments for 12 months for now
iii. Inclusive, not exclusive – desire participation formally/informally from all
5. Industry Panel Conducted
a. Asked – What are our needs?
i. When do we need it?
b. Common script desired for…
i. Recruitment
ii. Social media
1. Marketing
2. Kick Starter or other campaigns
6. Next steps
a. Starter goal – apply for Strat Plan Grant from NIFA
b. Leadership – secure remaining committee leadership
c. One-Pager – produce simple statement for immediate recruitment
d. Biz plan and bylaws
i. Org status (501 c 3 status)
ii. Bylaws
iii. Honorary members
ii. Organizational Chart and new committee structures
1. Casey presented the organizational chart and structure as it now stands
2. This information will be available on the website ASAP
3. Still seeking Chairs for Environmental Goal and Public/Research/LGU Committee (immediate), Development Committee (future)
4. Casey strongly encouraged all steering committee members to please remain involved and to remain engaged, finding their “niche” in the new organizational structure which is specifically meant to be inclusive
b. Communication and Recruitment
i. Update on Recruitment: All should continue efforts to recruit to the cause
ii. One-Pager – Katie, Shannon, Cynthia, Suzi and others have produced the one pager and recruitment script. It was approved by all and will be uploaded to the internal site and or shared.
Rick D. requested a more graphical stylized version to use as a printed takeaway for his upcoming presentations. Shannon volunteered to have her marketing team at DUG look at this and return to the group.
iii. Website Updates: Ellen unavailable, but Casey and Ellen to meet ASAP and determine timeline for website updates.
iv. Casey message to Listserv, timing – Casey has a planned message to the entire listserv to re-engage them. Will launch as soon as website updates made.
4. Action Steps
a. First Dates for Committee Meetings
i. Casey encouraged (based on Debbie’s recommendation) that all formative/initial Committee meetings be held by end of September at absolute latest.
b. Further Recruitment Webinars
i. Definite interest in group to potentially do this in August. Item tabled until next call.
c. Upcoming Presentations
i. Digger Newsletter
1. Gail will prepare a short piece for this ONA newsletter
2. Debbie asked if she might be able to “clone” this for other outlets along with. General interest in group for this.
3. Lucy requested that we maintain a list of citations for those places either proposed to reach out to or having been published in.
ii. ASHS, other presentations
1. Casey mentioned that a brief calendar of upcoming meetings began verbally at the Denver meeting. Item to be considered at next bi-weekly on how to record/share this.
iii. MANTS
1. Tom Underwood and Margaret Pooler volunteered to put together a concept of how to present NICH either as a portion of an exhibit and/or presentation at the next MANTS show in February. SNA also a possibility.
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