The seed swap is a fundamental part of human history. Seeds were one of the first commodities valued and traded. Today, modern gardeners collect and exchange seeds for many reasons ranging from cultivating rare, heirloom varieties to basic thrift. The exchange of seeds perpetuates biodiversity. It is an act of giving and the ultimate form of recycling.
Seed swaps in cities across the nation join in celebrating National Seed Swap Day each year on or around the last Saturday in January. This year’s Seed Swap Day, January 30, 2021, will include a live online session on seed saving safely during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2-4 p.m. EST. Find the link and more information at http://seedswapday.com
Want to join the fun? Consider hosting your own seed swap! Whether just among your neighbors, your garden club/plant society, or your wider community, a seed swap can be a terrific way to get lots of seeds, to meet new friends, and to learn a great deal about what grows best in our area. For a successful swap, be sure to share tips about how to conduct swap seeds with registrants.
Please help spread the word on this fun, green occasion, and be sure to use #SeedSwapDay in your social media messaging.
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