Help us spread the word. #PlantsDoThat Inside is available at the NICH website
For a printable copy of the “Where We Heal” infographic download this PDF.
For more information contact: Mary Kay Woodworth
Washington, DC – March 14, 2018 – Want to shorten the stay in the hospital and heal faster? Research shows plants can help people do that.
According to the third of four #PlantsDoThat Inside infographics produced by the National Initiative for Consumer Horticulture (NICH), plants are good for our health.
“Patients spend less time in recovery and go home faster when there are plants in the room,” says Dr. Charles Hall, Ellison Chair, Texas A&M. The infographic series was developed by NICH from a scientific literature review evidence base developed by Dr. Hall and his students.
The #PlantsDoThat Inside Where We Heal infographic shows that plants in rooms help people heal faster. That is true whether or not there are plants present in the room, viewed through the window, or on the wall in a picture. Other positive effects of plants to help us heal include:
- Reducing stress and lowering blood pressure;
- Helping new breast cancer patients better tolerate their diagnosis and treatment; and
- Reducing the number of pain relievers taken after surgery.
“For centuries we have known that Nature is a great healer. Now we have the science to back it up,” says Debbie Hamrick, NICH Economic Committee chair. “These free infographics are great tools to raise awareness of the power of plants for our health and wellness.”
Hospitals, doctors, businesses, growers, retailers, teachers, extension agents and interiorscape professionals should use the infographics as promotional and educational materials and upload them to social media.
#PlantsDoThat Inside Where We Heal is part of a series of four brightly colored infographics, designed by Jennifer Gray, AmericanHort, and Horticultural Research Institute. They are free and can be downloaded from NICH’s website
The benefits of consumer horticulture are spotlighted in the first NICH infographic titled “#PlantsDoThat, Horticulture: The Art, Science, & Business of Plants.” The infographic illustrates how consumer horticulture contributes $196 billion to the U.S. economy and creates more than 2 million jobs.
NICH is a consortium of industry leaders who are promoting the benefits and value of horticulture. NICH brings together academia, government, industry, and nonprofits to cultivate the growth and development of a healthy world through landscapes, gardens, and plants – indoors and out, and to get 90 percent of U.S. households gardening by 2025.
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